How Running Teaches me to Get “In The Zone” – Here are 3 Tips.

On my recent visit to South Africa I enjoyed the times when I went for my daily run along the beach. Whilst running, the thought came to mind that in order for me to be able to run faster and longer, I need to get “in the zone” where I am so focused on what I am doing that I feel invincible and almost run as if there is no end and nothing can stop me. This made me feel happy, full of energy, relaxed and in control. While having this feeling I was thinking about how we can get ourselves “in the zone” in everything we do -- if for a sporting event, speaking event, seminar, business, in life or just anything you need to accomplish.

Here are three short tips you can use:

1.    Preparation: Just as with running, in everything you do you need a solid foundation. Preparation is that foundation stone. You need to set your goal and game plan for that special occasion or goal. Map out your plan and keep your eye on the end result, always making the necessary adjustments along the way.

2.    Visualise success: You need to vividly imagine achieving your end result; your goal. With running you need to visualise crossing the line, hearing the applause, getting that medal. So it is in all the goals you set for yourself. Visualise the small steps you achieved along your journey of achieving that goal. Visualise the end result, the reward (whatever that might be), and how proud you and everyone associated with your goal are. The unconscious mind doesn’t differentiate between a real experience and a vividly imagined one, so rehearsing a positive outcome brings you closer to achieving it. Do this every day.

3.    Give yourself a pep talk: Psychologists estimate that we conduct a steady stream of internal conversation with ourselves amounting to around 300 words a minute. We know that negative thoughts produce negative outcomes. However the opposite is just as true: positive thoughts and feelings lead to high self-belief and positive results. It’s often mental muscle that gives you the power to edge ahead of your competitors, whether in sport or in business.

As always,


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