Learn From The Behaviour of Successful People – Gary Player.

During an important golf tournament, the great golfer and fellow South African, Gary Player found himself in a sand trap. A particularly challenging shot was demanded from him.

Gary visualized and rehearsed the shot mentally a couple of times and focused all his powers of concentration in this important shot that lay in front of him. The club kissed the ball sweetly. In a spray of sand, the ball flew into the sky, hung for a moment in the air, descended, bounced twice and came to rest half a metre from the pin. What a shot!

As he walked towards the green after the shot, a spectator shouted at him from the crowd.
“Hey Gary! That was a really lucky shot!”
Gary Player, the gentlemen he is, stopped and turned to the man. “I guess you’re right,” he said, “But you know it’s a funny thing. The more I practise the better I become and the better I become, the luckier I get.”
For me, the take away from this is that the more we do what needs to be done to be successful, the better we will get at it.

Success requires discipline and effort.
Practise, practise, practise and never give up.
Never Give Up!
As always,

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