9 Tips on the Do's and Don'ts of Business Etiquette

If you think your business etiquette could use a refresher course, here you go.

At events, wear your name badge on your right shoulder - This enables others to see your name when they are shaking your hand and have a visual confirmation when you say your name.
Be the first to extend your hand for an introduction - This places you in control. Others will perceive you as confident; you will own the introduction and all that follows.
Never call a client or superior by a first name unless invited to do so- This is disrespectful and assumes familiarity when that may not be the intent.
Wear a watch- Using your cell phone as a timepiece is distracting and appears as though you are more interested in texts or phone messages than the people you are meeting. It makes others feel as though they are not important.
When using e-mail be a professional - Your e-mail is a reflection of who you are. Skip the decorations. Proof your e-mail for grammar and spelling. Do not use all caps, as it will appear as though you are yelling at someone.
Do not exchange business cards over a meal - The purpose of a dinner or lunch meeting is to get to know your client or associate better. Passing your business card over a meal changes the venue to a marketing opportunity. Business cards should be exchanged after the meal as a means of follow-up contact.
Make the subject line meaningful- Businesspeople need to be able to determine what your message is about when they scan their e-mail to quickly determine which ones need to be opened first. It shows respect for their time.
Silence the cell phones and BlackBerry’s in meetings - Tapping on your BlackBerry or texting during a meeting is disrespectful to the meeting leader and shows a lack of professionalism.
If you use iPods, remember to remove both ear buds when someone approaches you to speak to you- Leaving one bud in your ear implies that you have been disturbed and are more interested in returning to your music or book.

As always,


7 Tips To Build More Confidences

I have noticed over the years working with people the lack of self believe so many have. They second-guess themselves, they keep their head down when walking, they hesitate to speak in groups or meetings and it takes them a while to make a decision.

Perhaps your self-confidence needs a boost. Here are some short tips to build a more confident you!

• Always show a real appreciation for a gift or compliment. The ability to accept or receive is a universal mark of an individual with solid self-esteem.
• Dial down the nagging, critical voice. Imagine a volume control and lower the volume.
• Don't brag. People who brag about their own exploits or demand special attention are simply trying to build themselves up in the eyes of others.
• When doing something for the first time, imagine you have already done it. Your mind does not know the difference between vividly imagined and real.
• Greet others with a smile and look them directly in the eye. A smile and direct eye contact convey confidence born of self-respect.
• Find someone already confident in the area of expertise you need and watch how they do it.
• Act as if you already have the habit or behavior you desire. If you were confident, how would you be feeling? What would you be thinking? With practice, your behavior becomes habit.

As always,