How By Inviting Creative Inspiration Can Motivate You.

Focusing too much on analytical problem solving or logical planning and preparation can often leave us feeling uninspired. Sometimes the solutions you seek have nothing to do with logical thinking at all.

Tap into your creative inspiration and see if it has something valuable to share. You can do this by engaging in creative pursuits like artwork, writing, musical instruments, or simple daydreaming. Most often, if you simply make time and room for your creative inspiration to show up, it doesn’t need any prodding to do so.

Here’s the important thing: when you do receive a creative insight, don’t analyze it to death! See if you can find a way to integrate it with your existing plans, or if you have to alter your existing plans without too much trouble, go ahead. You may be surprised by how effective this process is, and how quickly your motivation returns along with your creative insight.

As always,


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