How To Release Limiting Messages From Others.

Whether you’ve laboured under limiting predictions from a short-sighted parent since childhood, your spouse who just expressed a doubt about your goals, your friends and other family, you may be letting the negative preconceptions of others invade your mind and deplete your motivation. I call these people “Dream Catchers” because they trying to deny you from achieving your dreams.

Release them by holding a private ceremony in which you symbolically let go of any internalized messages or programming you’ve received from others. You can do this in many ways, but probably the quickest and easiest way is to verbally state that you are releasing the hold these damaging messages have on you.

Try something like this:

·    I hereby release any internal messages of limitation, lack or inability that may have been instilled in me by others.
·    These are not my beliefs and therefore do not belong in my mind or body.
·    I let them go and I forgive the bearers of such messages.
·    I believe that they do not mean to cause harm to me; they simply cannot see the same vision I see for my own life, just as I am unable to see their vision.
·    I reclaim my life purpose and I embrace the courage and desire to follow it with joy and gratitude.

As always,


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