The Secret of Albert Einstein’s Success

I was reminded again today of the story of Albert Einstein.

Einstein was once asked what he considered the main difference between his own intelligence and that of other people. He thought for a while and replied: “Well, when most people look for a needle in a haystack, they stop when they find it. But I will continue looking to discover if I can find a second, a third and maybe, if I am very lucky, a fourth or fifth needle.”

How true is it that most people will stop as soon as they achieve their first goal or completed their first task.

The secret for Success in this story for me it to not give up – continue in your search for whatever you want to achieve, whether it is happiness, financial independence, physically healthy…

Don’t stop – continue in your journey and NEVER GIVE UP!

As always,


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Three Steps to Success – The Story of Boris Becker.

I recall hearing this story about a former world tennis champion, Boris Becker, from Germany being interviewed on a radio programme.

“Have you always been a champion?” the interviewer asked.

“No,” Boris said, “Although when I was young I had been picked as a potential future prospect. But other boys had been better than me, more naturally gifted. I often had to play against the best of the girls who were a better match for me than the naturally talented boys.”

“So where are they now, these boys?” the interviewer asks, “And what happened to all of them?”

“Well,” said Boris, “they just did not make it. For all of their talent they just did not have what it takes.”

“So what does it take?” asked the interviewer.

“You’ve got to want it enough.” Boris said.

“Is that the secret?” asked the interviewer.

“No there’s another. It takes discipline. No matter how much talent you have, you’ve got to have the discipline to nurture and develop it. You’ve got to prioritise and give up a lot of things that can seem very attractive at the time.”

“Is that the secret then, to want it enough and to have discipline?” asked the interviewer.

“No there’s one more,” said the former tennis champion, “and it’s harder and more demanding than the first two put together. You need humility, no matter how good you are. You need humility to listen to your coaches, take advice, to test new possibilities and to admit you don’t know everything. Feedback is the breakfast of champions. These three are the secrets of my success.”

I have seen it so many times that those who do not succeed in achieving their goals and dreams most often lack is one or more, if not all of these three requirements for SUCCESS.

As always,


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