How To Release Limiting Messages From Others.

Whether you’ve laboured under limiting predictions from a short-sighted parent since childhood, your spouse who just expressed a doubt about your goals, your friends and other family, you may be letting the negative preconceptions of others invade your mind and deplete your motivation. I call these people “Dream Catchers” because they trying to deny you from achieving your dreams.

Release them by holding a private ceremony in which you symbolically let go of any internalized messages or programming you’ve received from others. You can do this in many ways, but probably the quickest and easiest way is to verbally state that you are releasing the hold these damaging messages have on you.

Try something like this:

·    I hereby release any internal messages of limitation, lack or inability that may have been instilled in me by others.
·    These are not my beliefs and therefore do not belong in my mind or body.
·    I let them go and I forgive the bearers of such messages.
·    I believe that they do not mean to cause harm to me; they simply cannot see the same vision I see for my own life, just as I am unable to see their vision.
·    I reclaim my life purpose and I embrace the courage and desire to follow it with joy and gratitude.

As always,


How By Inviting Creative Inspiration Can Motivate You.

Focusing too much on analytical problem solving or logical planning and preparation can often leave us feeling uninspired. Sometimes the solutions you seek have nothing to do with logical thinking at all.

Tap into your creative inspiration and see if it has something valuable to share. You can do this by engaging in creative pursuits like artwork, writing, musical instruments, or simple daydreaming. Most often, if you simply make time and room for your creative inspiration to show up, it doesn’t need any prodding to do so.

Here’s the important thing: when you do receive a creative insight, don’t analyze it to death! See if you can find a way to integrate it with your existing plans, or if you have to alter your existing plans without too much trouble, go ahead. You may be surprised by how effective this process is, and how quickly your motivation returns along with your creative insight.

As always,


Improve Your Body Language, Improve Your Confidence!

The way that you move your body and walk has an enormous effect on the way that you feel and your confidence levels.

Imagine there are two people standing in front of you – one with “negative body language” and one with “positive body language”.

Take a look at their positive and negative body language by asking these questions: How are they standing? Where are their eyes looking? Where have they got their head? How are they talking? How are they moving?

How you feel at any moment in time is linked to what is going on in your head and how you are moving your body.

The way that you move sends subconscious messages to your mind and this either helps or hinders the way that you feel.

Emotion is created by motion. If you sit still for a long period of time your natural energy levels automatically lower.

And what happens when you get up, walk around and return to your seat?

Yes, you have more energy and you’re given a boost.

I can’t stress how important it is to move and act confidently and positively.

You will give off all the right vibes to everyone around you and it will make them think that you are confident, even if you’re not feeling it inside.

Yes, that’s right. Even if you’re not feeling confident, act as though you are.

So, how do you do this?

Walk fast and with a purpose. Don’t saunter along, walk like you know exactly where you are going and when you get there you mean business!

Gesture with your hands as you talk, it will create motion and you know what that leads to – EMOTION!

All it takes is a smile! Think for a moment about your confidence role model. One thing that confident people in general have in common is that they all probably smile a lot and are happier than their negative counterparts.

Remember that confident people are happy people and negative people are not.

Happy people are also seen as more attractive than unhappy and sad people, so that is an added bonus!

The way that we communicate in our appearance, posture, gesture, gaze and expression can be such a powerful tool in the way that we feel and when communicating with others.

Effective communication is vital if you are going to succeed no matter what you are doing.

The way in which we communicate with people is broken down into component parts and it is believed that people to whom we are speaking understand what we say by interpreting these different elements in varying proportions:


·        7% of our message is interpreted from the words we use.

·        38% is picked up from our voice - speed, tone , pitch, rhythm etc

·        55% is what the other person sees - our body language

Please bear the above in mind when you are communicating to people.

There is plenty to be said on body language, but here are some quick fixes and recommendations that you should start to put into practice:

·    Dress to win – Look at your appearance and ask yourself:
·        Do I feel confident?
·        Do I look confident?
·        What could I do with my appearance to give me the edge?

·    Handshakes – Never give a limp wrist handshake, make sure it is firm but not too hard.

·    Smile a lot more than you have been doing – even if you are a comedian!

·    Walk tall with your head and shoulders back. Walk at a brisk pace.

·    When you talk to people look them straight in the eye.

·    Keep on moving – Motion creates what?

·    If you are ever feeling down, just have a look at your body language and change it immediately. Even if it has to be false – YOU WILL start to feel better and more confident immediately.

·     First impressions count – so when you are going to meet people for the first time, think what first impression you want to give them. A smiling face? A good remark? Etc.

·     Take more notice of others’ body language. You can normally tell what others are feeling by the way that they are moving and using their body too. You can use this to your advantage when you are more aware of it.

As always,


How To Form and Keep a Positive Mental Attitude

To obtain a Positive Mental Attitude, what you first need to do is think and act on the “CAN DO” approach of every activity instead of the “NO CAN’T DO” approach.
Positive people look for answers, while negative people look for questions. Negative persons are,in short, problem seekers. They believe that problems and obstacles cannot be surpassed. Whereas, positive people no matter what problem they are facing, look for solutions.

All it takes is a smile: It may seem rather silly, but there is a lot of power associated with a smile. A smile is always returned with a smile.

That doesn’t mean you have to walk around with a silly grin on your face all the time. Smile when you speak to someone, smile as you walk down the street, smile when looking at yourself in the mirror, smile even when speaking on the phone.

You will be amazed by the good feeling that it generates within you. You feel better and project a positive image to others, which attracts opportunities and more people towards you.

Happy people seem to be more attractive and pleasant to others compared to gloomy people. Isn’t this an added bonus for you?  

Pat people on the back: There are many people we see in life who jump at the chance of criticizing a person when something goes wrong. Moreover, these people don’t even acknowledge you when you are right!

To create and reflect a Positive Mental Attitude, start complimenting people. If you already have this habit, increase the number of times you do it.

The general idea is that you feel good by making others feel good and it enhances your Positive Mental Attitude. What more, you also enhance the Positive Mental Attitude of the people you compliment!

Treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves: This involves treating everyone as though he/she is the most important person in the world -- because to him or her it stands true!

The Laws of Success state that whatever you hand out in life, you get back at least ten times as much of it.

Connect this rule to life. If you make other people feel worthwhile, useful and valuable, you too are bound to be treated in the same manner -- ten times as much.

Warning: When you compliment people and treat them with respect, be sure that you are doing so genuinely. You must mean what you say.

Believe, conceive and achieve: Start believing that success to you is inevitable.

Whatever task you are given, picture success in your mind. Burn the thought into your subconscious mind. Keep yourself focused on the outcome that you want to achieve in what you do. The mind can achieve anything that it believes and conceives.

You will be surprised to know that there is a giant asleep within yourself. You can direct him to do anything that you want.

You have no idea what you are capable of. Don’t underestimate yourself! Believe it, the power of your mind and imagination is truly exceptional.

You can think your way to almost anything in life - success, happiness, illness and even death.

Read this short story.

John was a middle-aged man who was working in a refrigeration unit in America.

One day he somehow got himself locked inside the unit accidentally. He banged on the door, he screamed for some time, but no one heard him. He gave up.

John sat down defeated and was sure that he was going to die soon. He became all numb and cold. He somehow scribbled a message for the people who would eventually find him.

“Getting colder now, starting to shiver, nothing to do but wait, slowly freezing to death, half asleep now these are my final words”.

At least five hours passed before someone opened the door and found the dead man’s body.

Now that’s a sad story. Here comes the twist.  The unit was working fine all of the time!

It was just a fault and it had stopped working but the guy had simply thought that it was really cold and had willed himself to death.

That’s the power of the mind!

Use it for a fulfilled life!

As always,